2024 IMA House of Delegates Documents 


Click the links below to review the resolutions and reports that have been submitted. These items will be discussed and acted upon during the IMA House of Delegates, October 4-6.

All Delegates, IMA Members and others receiving this material should note that it refers only to items to be considered by the House.

No action has been taken on anything herein contained, and it is informational only.

Only those items that have been acted on finally by the House can be considered official.  Final actions will be posted following the House of Delegates meeting on October 6, 2024.

REMINDER: Only the Resolve portions of the resolutions are considered by the House of Delegates. The Whereas portions or preambles are informational and explanatory only.

2024 Reports and Resolutions - Reference Committee A

2024 Reports and Resolutions - Reference Committee B